Meet Rachel!
She is the creator and owner of Radical Rebounding. Rachel has been a long time lover and student of movement. As a holistic health practitioner, she has studied the human body over the last two decades. Rachel has worked with professional athletes, people on their feet all day, people who sit a lot, and stay-at-home parents. Rachel recognized common threads in the physical and psycho-social needs of her clients. People weren’t moving in a way that optimized health, and people weren’t feeling the joy humans innately crave from the primal need for connection. This fueled her passion for self empowerment through movement.
Rachel’s journey began with herself. Years of chronic anxiety led her to seek natural methods to address the basic human need to gain the balance she craved. Tony Robbins, a world leader in life strategies, praised the benefits of a simple and effective form of movement that drives the body and mind into the balance Rachel was seeking: Rebounding.
Rachel followed Tony’s guidance and started jumping 10-15 minutes a day. In only one week, her anxiety levels had significantly decreased. Feeling hopeful, she kept jumping. Jumping felt so good, she started rebounding every day. Hope turned into healing. Jumping became her new passion, and she jumped so much and so hard she wore out two metal spring rebounders! This was when she knew she had to get serious about her pursuit and discovered the bungee system mini trampoline by Jumpsport™ Fitness.
She immersed herself in the study of movement, related benefits, and has extracted relevant and beneficial aspects of a variety of exercise origins and seamlessly incorporated them into carefully assembled routines that is now Radical Rebounding.
Rachel has jumped daily since, and she isn’t about to stop. In fact, she wants you to join her! Her remedy for mental, emotional, and physical health and wellness turned into a study and passion to live life free of the strings that can tie us down to limiting patterns and platforms we often come to accept. Rachel decided this was unacceptable for her. She wanted to free herself, and she did! Through Radical Rebounding, Rachel is extending a new leash on life. Grab it! Hold tight! Get ready to fly!
Let's get Jumping!
2115 Mountain Road
Sedona, AZ 86336